
Hover campaign promises bird’s-eye view of Mercury’s surface

The MESSENGER spacecraft depicted flying over Mercury’s surface. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington   The MESSENGER team initiated the “hover” observation campaign, which was designed to gather data from the planet at ultra-low altitudes until the last possible moment. By Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, Maryland | Published: Thursday, …

Hover campaign promises bird’s-eye view of Mercury’s surface Read More »

This green meteorite that landed in Morocco in 2012 could be from Mercury. CREDIT: Stefan Ralew/

Green Meteorite May Be from Mercury – a First

Scientists may have discovered the first meteorite from Mercury. The green rock found in Morocco last year may be the first known visitor from the solar system’s innermost planet, according to meteorite scientist Anthony Irving, who unveiled the new findings this month at the 44th annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. …

Green Meteorite May Be from Mercury – a First Read More »